Knee injuries

Multiligament knee reconstruction

When to have Multi-ligament knee reconstruction?

Multiligament Knee Reconstruction Surgery is recommended for patients who have sustained severe injuries to multiple ligaments in the knee. This type of injury can lead to instability, pain, and reduced mobility. The surgery involves repairing or reconstructing the damaged ligaments to restore stability and function to the knee joint.

Our goal is to ensure your comfort, understanding, and successful recovery throughout the entire process.

Is this procedure required for every patient?


Your orthopedic surgeon will evaluate your specific case to determine if Multiligament Knee Reconstruction Surgery is necessary. Typically, surgery is considered when non-surgical treatments have not provided sufficient relief or improvement.


The Surgical Process:

The surgery itself is personalized to your unique injury and needs. Under anesthesia, your surgeon will repair or reconstruct the damaged ligaments, often using grafts from your own body or a donor. Minimally invasive techniques may be used, such as arthroscopy, to enhance recovery.


Recovery and Rehabilitation:

After surgery, a period of recovery and rehabilitation is essential. You may spend time in the hospital for monitoring and pain management. Physical therapy will play a pivotal role in your recovery journey, helping you regain strength, flexibility, and knee stability. A personalized rehabilitation plan will guide you through exercises and activities to promote healing.


Expected Outcomes:

Results can vary based on factors like the extent of the injury and your commitment to rehabilitation. However, many patients experience significant improvements in knee stability, pain reduction, and overall function over time.


Potential Risks:

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks associated with Multiligament Knee Reconstruction Surgery, including infection, blood clots, graft issues, stiffness, and ongoing pain. Dr. Fahad will discuss these risks with you during the decision-making process.


Embracing Lifestyle Changes:

Post-surgery, you'll need to follow guidelines provided by your surgeon, including restrictions on activities and the use of assistive devices if necessary. Gradually, you'll be able to return to daily activities and even sports with your surgeon's approval.



You'll receive instructions for post-operative care, wound management, medications, and follow-up appointments. Regular check-ins with your healthcare provider will allow us to monitor your progress and address any concerns.


Remember that each individual's experience is unique. By understanding the procedure, adhering to your rehabilitation plan, and maintaining open communication with your healthcare team, you can work towards a positive outcome.

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