Knee injuries

Osteotomy around the knee



Osteotomy is a surgical procedure performed around the knee to treat certain conditions that affect the alignment and function of the joint. This procedure involves cutting and repositioning the bones of the knee joint to relieve pain, improve stability, and restore proper alignment. Osteotomy is considered when non-surgical treatments have not provided adequate relief and joint preservation is desired.

High Tibial Osteotomy


When Is Osteotomy Recommended?

Osteotomy is often recommended for patients with knee mild osteoarthritis, causing pain and decreased function. It is particularly beneficial for patients who are younger and active, as it can delay the need for a total knee replacement by preserving the joint's natural structures.


Goals of Osteotomy:

The primary goals of an osteotomy around the knee include:

1. Pain Relief: Repositioning the bones can alleviate pain by redistributing forces within the knee joint, reducing the pressure on damaged areas.

2. Joint Preservation: Osteotomy aims to preserve the natural joint by restoring its alignment and delaying or preventing the need for more invasive procedures, like total knee replacement.

3. Improved Function: Correcting the alignment can lead to improved stability and range of motion, allowing for better movement and activity.


Types of Osteotomy:

There are two main types of osteotomy around the knee:

1. High Tibial Osteotomy (HTO): This involves cutting and repositioning the upper part of the shinbone (tibia).

2. Distal Femoral Osteotomy (DFO): This procedure involves repositioning the lower end of the thighbone (femur)

Arthrex - Limb DeformityDistal Femoral Osteotomy



During the osteotomy procedure:

1. Incision: A small incision is made near the knee, allowing the surgeon to access the bone.

2. Bone Cutting: The surgeon carefully cuts the bone according to a pre-determined plan, using specialized tools.

3. Repositioning: The cut bone is then repositioned to the desired alignment, which is often guided by X-ray imaging.

4. Fixation: Plates, screws, or other devices are used to secure the repositioned bone in place as it heals.


Recovery and Rehabilitation:

After the surgery, patients can expect a period of recovery and rehabilitation, which may involve:

1. Weight-Bearing: Dr. Fahad will provide guidelines on how much weight you can put on the operated leg and when.

2. Physical Therapy: a Special protocol will be provided, that will guide you through exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

3. Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are crucial to monitor healing and ensure your progress is on track.



Osteotomy around the knee is a surgical procedure designed to alleviate pain, improve function, and preserve the knee joint. If you are considering osteotomy, Dr. Fahad will thoroughly evaluate your condition and discuss the benefits, risks, and expected outcomes with you. This procedure can offer relief and help you maintain an active lifestyle while preserving your knee joint.

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